Enjoy Poker Online in Kenya

With its unique and great blend of chance, psychology and game theory, Poker is undisputedly the most popular card game in the world. It has grown and developed since its earliest incarnations in the frontier towns of America, and today players in online rooms in Kenya and across the rest of the world can enjoy the game in all its glory. We strongly recommend that you experience it online for yourself, but check out our guidelines here before you get going.

Basic Poker Structure and Betting

At the start of each round all players are dealt five cards, and then need to place a bet. You can choose to check and stay in the game if no wagers have yet been made, to place a bet or to fold and forfeit your hand. All bets are placed in a central pot, which goes to the winner of the round. Once all players have had a chance to bet, everyone’s hands are revealed and the player with the best hand wins. A strict hand-ranking system, shown below from best to worst, is used in online Poker rooms in Kenya and around the globe.

  • Royal Flush: Ten to Ace cards, all of the same suit
  • Straight Flush: any five sequential cards of one suit
  • Four of a Kind: four cards of one rank plus one other
  • Full House: two same-ranked cards and three other same-ranked cards
  • Straight: five cards in sequence, of different suits
  • Three of a Kind: three same-ranked cards and two unmatched others
  • Two Pair: two same-ranked card pairings plus one other card
  • One Pair: one same-ranked card pairing and three unmatched others
  • High Card: this is the lowest playable hand, consisting of five unmatched cards. It is always named after its highest card, so a 5-8-9-J-Q combination would be called a Queen High

The real intrigue lies in the way all opponents influence each other, and the bets you place can be based on how strong you think your hand is or how strong you want the other players to think your hand is. The shrewd skills you need to read the tells of others take years to develop, and only those who have been playing Poker for some time can really be called skilled.

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Playing Online

Playing at online poker rooms in Kenya, or anywhere else, is quite a different challenge to playing in a land-based establishment. The usual physical tells are not there to be observed, so you can’t use them to plan your tactics as you would offline. Luckily, however, there are many digital clues and signs to be given away. These include live chat comments and playing speed, and over time you will learn to read them very well. Most of the sites we review offer their own fantastic guides and other resources to help you refine your strategy, and there are also many sites and applications that are dedicated to this purpose. Look for those that help you most, whether by highlighting your mistake patterns, delivering quick-fire quizzes, or other methods. You are also usually allowed to play for free with no deposit to practice ad build confidence, which is invaluable.

Experience Online Poker at Great Casinos

We’ve given you the very basic fundamentals, and you are ready to start your own journey. Check out some of the fantastic online Kenya Poker rooms we’ve reviewed and start playing now.